Sorry for the delay with the blog. Life has been pummeling this poor l’il web cartoonist as of late. I feel like Li’l Brudder!
Incidentally, I completed a new incentive sketch for buzzComix. Click here if you want to see Cami in the Catwoman costume!
What can I say about Catwoman. Not much. I haven’t seen it nor do I plan on ever seeing it. All I can say is that I have never seen so much negativity surround a film prior to, during or after production. The reviews that were handed out on this trash heap were brutal!
It’s been quite an adventure bringing Catwoman to the silver screen. Ever since they released photos of Halle Berry in that infamous S&M outfit, the fan boys have been gunning for her.
Remember back in April when they released a teaser trailer and it looked like a giant, campy joke. Then the studio came out and said it WAS a big April Fool’s Joke! Well, so much for that. The movie pretty much follows that trailer’s lead for an hour and a half.
You know, there’s a conspiracy theory going around that Warner Bros. may have INTENTIALLY tried to make a dud – SPECIFICALLY to appeal to the “so bad, it’s good” crowd mentioned in today’s comic. They had a first-time French director who previous worked in special effects, a go-nowhere plot… why not try to make it as bad as possible?
It sounds outlandish, I know. But with the V.I.P. edition of Showgirls coming out next week and VH1’s Best Week Ever celebrating the one-year anniversary of Gigli, one can help but wonder if “bad” has become the new “good”!
Well, enough about Catwoman. Time to talk about more pressing matters. Like how Theater Hopper was down for 3 days.
What happened? Well, the site was intentionally suspended sometime Saturday afternoon and it came back online about mid-morning yesterday.
Why was the site down? Still no official word from the hosting company. UNofficially, they said the THorum was taxing server resources due to all the calls it was making to the MySQL database. It was frustrating getting THAT much information from them.
My current hosting provider is undergoing some kind of internal shift and because of that, their service has really fallen behind. I don’t blame them for it. Basically, they’ve grown too big to take on all the little problems that crop up in a small business.
I can empathize to a degree, because the same thing has happened to Theater Hopper. Essentially, our THorum became so popular, we broke their server! As a result, we’ve been forced to find a new place to play.
Fortunately, one of the THorum moderators – Brian – owns a server and graciously offered to host the site for free. Can’t beat that! Brian is a really good guy, an IT professional and I totally trust him. I think after everything is settled, we can take Theater Hopper to the next evolutionary step.
So where are things now? Well, the THorum has been temporarily closed. Partially because Theater Hopper is still being hosted by my old company and we don’t want to tax the server any more than we have to. The other reason is so that I could create a full back up and transplant the community onto the NEW server without missing a beat. So that means once we’re established on Brian’s sever, THorumites will experience no lost data.
The really good news is that we’ve already moved the entire site onto Brian’s server. The site works. The archive works. The THorum works and even the advertisements work!
The really bad news is that we have to wait for my current hosting provider to transfer the DNS so it points away from their server and toward Brian’s server. Even if they took care of it today, there is still potentially a 24 to 72 period where we would wait for it to take effect. As things stand with the current hosting provider’s service backlog, it could take even longer. I’m trying to figure out a way around that, so please stick with me.
Until then, you can still expect fresh comics, blogs and incentive sketches. In fact, we’ll be back with all those goodies tomorrow. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always e-mail them to me here.
Thanks again for your patience and understanding. Things will be back to normal soon.
Two fer Catwoman, puh-leeze!
Do these people apply the same logic to other aspects of their lives?
Are you prepared for the responsibility of jury duty?
Can’t imagine any place else I’d rather be!
I think this milk has gone sour. Will you taste it?
Give ‘er here!