Today’s incentive sketch is a simple homage to that lovable green ogre, Shrek – whose movie sequel lands in theaters today with the concussive force of Godzilla stomping on Tokyo. Click here to vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComixs and view our simple doodle.
So, what about today’s comic, eh?! Betcha’ didn’t see that one coming! Will Jimmy the Theater Monkey survive, or did his curiosity finally get the better of him? And what does this turn of events mean for that giant stockpile of disbelief seen last week? Only time will tell!
Actually, time will tell rather swiftly as I plan on wrapping up this storyline on Friday.
I gotta say it’s been a blast (“Blast!” HA!) working on this storyline. I’m having a lot of fun working out the next twist. I’m REALLY happy with the way the coloring turned out for today’s strip. I hope you all like it.
I wish I had something more to say, but since I kinda already covered my opinions about Shrek on Monday, I’m kind of standing here with nothing to gripe about. How about we just call it a day and I’ll come back later with insights of a different nature?
…about belly-button lint, perhaps?
In the meantime, if you want to kill a little time in the forums, I certainly wouldn’t hold it against you!
Brian Carroll of Instant Classic and BriWorld fame has a new web comic side project for you to check out. It’s called Trumpet Airlines and it probably has one of the more fun web site designs on the scene right now. Check it out!
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I think you’re going to want to check out the special incentive sketch I’ve whipped up for today. I was really happy with the way it turned out. It’s a nice action shot. Click here to vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix and earn your reward!
Well, this is it. The ending of our little two week journey. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m very pleased with the way this storyline turned out – especially the coloring of the last two strips. I put in a lot of effort to tell a different kind of story. I just hope that you liked it.
If you’d like to leave any comments about this storyline, you can do so in the forum.
I have no segue here, so what I’m about to say next, I’ll just come out and say.
I have some big news to share with you about the site. Don’t get into a panic just yet. Nothing has been finalized. It’s GOOD news in case you were worried. But what I have to share could change the direction of this comic for the better starting next Monday.
I know that’s a pretty big cliffhanger to toss out there, but I don’t want to jinx it. If you want to find out what the big news is, come back to the site Monday morning and I’ll be ready to share it.
For right now, I want to give a shout out to a slew of new advertisers.
Be sure to check out our newest sponsor, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. SMBC is a one-panel web comic similar in spirit to Gary Larsen’s The Far Side. These strip was around back when I started Theater Hopper almost two years ago before dropping out of the scene. Well, now they’re back, so give ’em your love.
Another advertiser we have is Digital Pimp Online. Don’t worry, kiddies. Nothing dirty going on here and it’s totally work-safe! The site is a collection of both print and web comics that you can check out. The art is really sharp and has a decidedly urban feel. One half of the creative team – Joe Dunn – posts to our forums. So if you like his work, you can always leave him a message and tell him so!
Lastly, Maveric PC is back with us and they’re selling some hot, new custom PC rigs that you have to see to believe. These guys do great work. Quality service and affordable price tags. If you’re in the market for a new gaming PC, give these guys a minute of your time.
In more pedestrian news, Cami and I went to see Shrek 2 last night. It was pretty good, but not as good as critics were making it out to be. I really didn’t think it was any better or any worse than the original. I laughed out loud a couple of times, but never started laughing so hard I would squirt milk from my nose.
The one thing the critics DID get right is how Antonio Banderas COMPLETELY steals this movie from the lead actors. His turn as Puss in Boots has “hilarious” stamped all over it in big, red letters. If they did a movie featuring the adventures of this lone character, I would see it.
I guess Dreamworks is already putting together Shrek 3, so let’s hope Puss gets a little more screen time.
That’s about it on my end. Thanks for keeping up with me these last few weeks through this storyline. It’s been a lot of fun.
See you here Monday for big news!
Still having a little fun with Shrek 2. Vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix to see Tom as The Gingerbread Man!
I won’t bore you with more of my opinions about Shrek 2. I mentioned that Cami and I had seen it last Thursday, and what I have to say about it has pretty much been said in blog-form. I just thought it was worthy to tackle in the comic since we were just coming down from a two-week story arc.
Frankly, it’s not surprising to me that Shrek did almost $105 million dollars of business over the three-day weekend. They’ve been hyping this film for so long, I feel like I’ve already seen it seven times!
Today’s comic is no joke. Cami and I went grocery shopping Sunday afternoon and Shrek’s goofy mug was on no less than five of the products we bought. “Shrek Toilet Paper?” C’mon, now that’s just nasty!
Okay, there’s not REALLY any Shrek toilet paper, but would it surprise you if there were? All I’m saying is that the merchandising is way out of control and I’m just going to have to avoid all commerce locations before I start dreaming green!
Onto more pressing matters. I indicated there was some pretty big news last Friday. I know the people in the forums have been buzzing about it. Actually, wildly guessing and pulling their hair out is more appropriate. Well, now I’m ready to share the news.
You might have noticed something different about the little ad next to the comic asking you to send me to Wizard World Chicago. The status bar is now full. In fact, it’s been busted clear off the scale!
You guys are AMAZING. When I last updated the tally on 16th, I had $155. You guys delivered that to me 5 days after I posted my goal. I thought THAT was really impressive. I mean, the convention isn’t until August and I was already more than one-fifth of the way there!
Since the 16th, I continued receiving donations, purchases through the store and advertising reservations. But on the 20th, I received a very shocking bit of news. One kind soul had donated $345!!! Now I’m not sharing this to brag, but in order to publicly thank the individual who topped off the status bar. Unfortunately, he didn’t want me to use his real name. But to that person, this message is for you:
Although I have thanked you PROFUSELY in private e-mails, I wanted you to know that I am announcing to my readership my undying thanks for your kindness. Your contribution will help make Theater Hopper’s presence felt on a larger scale and could potentially open up new avenues of readership. It seems cliche to say, but I can never thank you enough!
By now, you’re probably running the numbers in your head. “Tom, if you had $155 on the 16th, and were donated $345 on the 20th, then shouldn’t that add up to $500 and not $681 like you have listed? What’s that other $181 about?”
I’m glad you asked. Those are the continued contributions of OTHER Theater Hopper fans who have sought to support my goal. They too, I thank. Your support means more to me than you’ll ever know!
When I started this comic almost 2 years ago, I never dreamed that it would find a readership as kind and supportive as the one it has found. It’s because of YOU that I continue to do this strip. In fact, I look forward to it every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I love reading your e-mails and talking to you in the forums. And I know for a fact there isn’t a group of people nicer. I can honestly say I’ve made some great friends thanks to these little doodles. And what better result can you get but that?
The other bit of big news I wanted to share is a little more external in influence.
Last week I was reading Chris Ryall’s column “One Hand Clapping” over at Movie Poop Shoot and he was talking about Shrek 2. He mentioned Mike Meyers and his continued insistence on using that horrid Scottish accent in every movie he does. Chris cited the Shrek movies, the Austin Powers franchise – even So I Married An Axe Murderer.
I was elated! Finally someone of my same opinion. I had written a comic long ago addressing the very same issue! I had to share it with Chris.
So I sent an e-mail to Chris telling him about my comic and added a link. I received a very quick reply from Chris thanking me for my comments telling me that he loved the comic! Could he link to it?
It took less than a second for me to scream “YES! YES!”
And so, here we are. Linked today from the weekly question and answer column “Mail Shoot” over at Movie Poop Shoot. Click here for the undeniable proof. I’ve been a big fan of the site for a really long time, so being linked from them is a big deal for me. It’s like being recognized by Newsweek, or something!
So, for all of those new readers checking out the site for the first time, I encourage you to comb through our archives and check out our forums. I know we have a lot of content to wade through, but if you love movies like I do, I’m sure you’ll find something to latch onto.
I would post some links to some of my favorites, but I can see this news post has grown quite large, so I’ll save that for another time!
Until then, things are really coming up roses for Theater Hopper. Again, thanks to everyone for their support and here’s to continued prosperity in the future!
Today’s incentive sketch over at buzzComix hold special significance. If you’ve ever owned a pet, I think you an empathize with its sentiment. Once you read today’s blog, it’ll take on deeper significance.Click here to see it.
You’ll pardon me today if I don’t talk much about movies, celebrities or pop culture. I want to talk about something a little closer to home instead.
It’s not coincidence that Truman is featured so prominently in today’s strip. Monday night, Cami and I got quite a scare. We came home from work and Truman wasn’t quite himself. He wasn’t eating, he was very lethargic and was trembling while he tried to sleep on the couch. We were very concerned. This wasn’t normal behavior for our normally spry and inquisitive 2 year old beagle.
Around 10 P.M. Monday night, we took Truman to an emergency veterinary clinic. They noted his general lack of energy and took his temperature. He was running a fever of 105 degrees when 100 is about normal.
They ran a battery of tests, x-rays and blood work trying to figure out what was wrong with him. We worried that he might have had some obstruction in his small intestine as we noted he had gotten a hold of a leather purse strap the Friday before. Truman also did not have a bowel movement since Sunday night prior, despite great strain Monday evening to do so.
Standard x-rays didn’t turn up anything, so the doctor on duty recommended barium tests to more clearly identify any issues in Truman’s intestinal tract. Basically, they feed the animal barium and take x-rays every couple of hours as it works through his system. Barium shows up extremely well on x-ray, so if there was any issue, it would come through loud and clear.
The only problem is that to perform the test, we would have to leave them there overnight. Needless to say, Cami and I didn’t get much sleep Monday night as we worried about Truman’s condition in some far away animal hospital.
Tuesday morning we picked him up at 7:00 A.M. to transfer him to our regular vet for further treatment. So while trying to juggle a particularly heavy workload on no sleep Tuesday, I was fielding calls from our vet every 2 hours with status reports.
At first Truman seemed to get a little of his energy back. He was able to eat breakfast and seemed okay. But our vet pointed out that his abdomen seemed very tender. Truman winced whenever he tried to touch it.
As the continued to monitor him through the morning hours, his condition became worse and he lost energy. Although the x-rays continued to show no obstruction, our vet soon suggested that Truman may need exploratory surgery to identify the problem. By this he meant, cutting an incision into his belly and feeling around his intestines for any foreign objects.
Cami and I weren’t too thrilled about the idea of surgery. Not only for the expense, but for the risk involved. Ultimately we consented to the surgery because would have rather known FOR SURE the was no obstruction, rather than take him home unwise to any further problems and have his intestines get knotted up and turn toxic. Sepsis has the potential of developing very quickly, and even if caught, it’s difficult to reverse.
We faced the option of losing our dog entirely. So we opted for surgery.
The good news is the vet didn’t find any obstructions. The bad news was his intestines were inflamed and very red. Our vet felt this could have been brought on by his fever, which he was still experiencing Tuesday afternoon, although now at a more manageable 103 degrees.
Our vet came to the conclusion that Truman was suffering from some kind of extreme infection. It could be viral. It could be bacteria. We don’t know. We’re not even sure where he might have picked this up. All I know is right now I have an extremely exhausted puppy with a 6 inch cut in his stomach that’s been stapled together. We’re taking him back to the vet tomorrow morning for observation. After that, he’ll be home with us for bed rest as we just keep an eye out for any more unwelcome symptoms.
Needless to say, right now I’m a wreck. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I could even do today’s comic. But this idea hit me while we were sitting around the house feeling sorry for ourselves so I decided to act on it. I’ll admit it was therapeutic to draw Truman in such a fun context.
Y’know, when Truman got sick, I thought it was lousy timing because his treatment completely devoured the $681 you guys had given me through donations, advertising and merchandise sales. This was the money I was going to use to go to Wizard World Chicago.
But then I realized how selfish that was and how much worse off we could have been. If I didn’t have this site and I didn’t have the kind of wonderful fans that I do, we wouldn’t had that $681 in the FIRST place – and we would have really been up the creek.
So to those of you I thanked on Monday, I want to thank with extra sincerity today. You helped ensure the health and well-being of my dog, my pet, my friend – Truman. You may have helped save his life. The least I could do in return is give you a comic.
Thank you.
As a side note, I don’t mean to burden you guys with our problems. But since the comic is based off our life to a degree and because I know there are some of you out there who are fans of Truman’s, I thought it in his best interest to share.
I may be difficult to get a hold of in the next few days. In addition to monitoring Truman, I have a huge meeting at work this Thursday that our department is hosting and then after that is Memorial Day weekend. I’m directing this message more toward the people in the forums than anywhere else. I’ve come to know them as a very caring and supporting group and I didn’t want to leave them in the lurch.
Once again, thanks to you for supporting this site. I thank you and I know Truman thanks you. I can put it more plainly than that. You are all wonderful people.
Today’s incentive sketch isn’t knocking it out of the part in the artistic department, but I think you’ll appreciate its romantic symbolizes. Click away to reveal!
What can I say about The Day After Tomorrow except it looks really, really stupid. Didn’t we all get sick of disaster flicks sometime around 1998? Apparently Roland Emmerich didn’t get the memo. This guy is like Michael Bay – he can only make one kind of movie. Loud, dumb and effects-heavy. I still haven’t forgiven him for sucking Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno into the quagmire that was Godzilla.
I feel sorry for Tomorrow’s Jake Gyllenhaal. Apparently he thinks this is the “big summer event movie” to hitch his wagon to. A big blockbuster that’ll make him a household name. Guess again, Jakey. You should have used your leverage with Kirsten Dunst to land that plum role in Spider-Man 2. Tobey fans would have hated you, but Joe Six-Pack probably never would have seen the difference.
Anyway, let’s brush that aside for a moment. It’s time for a Truman update.
As you know, on Wednesday I delivered some pretty serious news about the health of our 2 year old beagle Truman. For a quick recap, he had a fever of 105, we thought he had an obstruction in his intestines (he didn’t), he underwent emergency exploratory surgery and they discovered he was fighting a mean infection either viral or bacteria in nature.
First of all, I want to thank EVERYONE who sent their prayers and good wishes to Truman. He doesn’t read so well since he’s been on the painkillers, but we told him all about the people online pulling for him. He sends his love.
On a personal level, Cami and I sincerely appreciate everyone’s support. We receive such great feedback from fellow beagle owners and other pets. It really helped to hear some of your close calls. It was nice to know we weren’t alone and – ultimately – these little guys are hearty buggers who pull through stuff that would have us laid up for 2 weeks.
Incidentally, if you wanted a snap-shot of how awesome Theater Hopper fans are on the whole, then check out this bit of fan art I received from Jennifer Addley. Jennifer has it right – chicks DO dig scars! Thanks, Jennifer!
And again, thanks to the rest of you for your e-mails and posts in the forum. It means more to us that we can possibly measure!
Now, as for Truman himself. He’s doing MUCH better! After a short stay at the vet’s office on Wednesday for an evaluation, we were able to take him home and start spoiling him rotten!
He’s still a little groggy from the surgery, painkillers and antibiotics, but he’s sleeping well and eating lots which is a good sign. We let him sleep in our bed on Wednesday night which is something we NEVER do. He was on Cloud 9!
On Thursday evening, he started picking up steam. You can tell he’s starting to feel better because he’s starting to get into things and being naughty! He snagged a towel from me earlier and tried to get me to chase him around the house and play tug of war with him (a regular game between us two). I didn’t want to engage him, though. I was afraid he’d pop a stitch! And as far as the stitches go, they come out either next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Really, if you were going to send your dog into surgery, you’d be hard pressed to find a better time than right before a holiday weekend. This way, we can spend extra time with him and make sure he doesn’t get frustrated and try to pull out his stitches!
But anyway, Truman is on the mend, eating whatever he wants and generally soaking in all the love and attention we can afford him. He’s a sweet dog and I plan on posting pictures when he’s zipping around the backyard again at full speed.
I gotta tell ‘ya. This week has been rough. In addition to Truman’s problems, there has been stress at work and some relatives also not feeling well and in the hospital. I’m not telling you this to bring you down. Frankly, I’ve probably told too much. I mean, you come to Theater Hopper to get away from this real-world drama, right?
But honestly… I never knew how many friends I made online until I opened up a little more of my life to you. It’s like you’re family now. And I’m an only child, so that’s really weird for me!
But, yeah. I consider you guys family. And if you ever need *me* to lend your some words of encouragement, drop me a line and I’m there for you.
Thanks again for everything you’ve done for us and have a great holiday weekend!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is coming out this Friday, and as much as I’m not looking forward to trying to remember how to spell “Azkaban” each time I write in this space (A word I will continue to mispronounce until the day I die), I AM looking forward to the movie. SO much, in fact that all of this week’s buzzComix incentive sketches have a Harry Potter theme. Click here for the very first one – Tom as Hagrid!
Sorry for the lateness of today’s comic, but Memorial Day festivities got in the way. I’m sure you understand. At any rate, a comic Monday afternoon is better than no comic at all!
I feel that I’ve accurately depicted the social order of Potter-mania in the Brazelton household. Cami is a much bigger fan than I am. She’s read all of the books. Even that last one that weighed a metric ton. I’ve only seen the movies. I enjoy the franchise, I’m not just as obsessive as some people are about it.
Don’t get me wrong. I think what J.K. Rowling has done for children’s literature is phenomenal success. But I can’t get wrapped up in books who’s entire core has been forged out of nonsensical slang words like “Hufflepuff”, “remembral” “McGonagall” and “Dumbledore” – all of which cause the spellchecker in my copy of Microsoft Word to freak out and sternly say “No. Just…no.” Incidentally, it’s the same reason I could never get into A Clockwork Orange. Just couldn’t work my way around the lexicon. Oh, those Brits and their funny words! Think I’m kidding? One word: Teletubbies.
I wanted to let everyone know that the list over at buzzComix has reset for the month of June. Please remember to vote for Theater Hopper every day. To help remind you, I’ve placed this handy graphic to the right that keeps track of our placement on the list!
Last month Theater Hopper cracked the Top 5 for the first time. I’d be a real treat to see if we could break into the Top 3!
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