Uh oh, kids! Looks like you’re in for some continuity! Should you check back on Thursday for the next installment? I’m just say-in’…
Underworld comes out this weekend and I think it’s tale of star-crossed vampire and werewolf lovers is gonna strike a chord with closet goths everywhere. I guess they’re calling it the Romeo and Juliet for the monster-loving crowd.
Frankly, I’m just happy to see a movie with a good werewolf in it. Vampires always get the screen time. I guess they’re more interesting and romantic figures than a howling hairball. But can you remember the last really good werewolf picture? It’s been a while.
Everyone needs to check out our latest advertiser, Destined For Nothing. Unlike most comics, these guys have a political bend to their work. They tackle actual real-world stuff and make it funny. Give ’em a little clickeroo for me. I appreciate it.
By the way, if you’re thinking about buying a poster, better make it soon. There are only 30 left and I plan on taking whatever I have in stock to the Minneapolis FallCon on October 4 and 5. I have a pretty strong feeling I will sell out if I do.
So don’t let procrastination be your excuse! Buy a poster now, before they’re gone forever!
I found today’s strip to be very funny. I for one will definately check out the strip tomorrow (as if I am not checking it daily anyway.)
I am looking forward to seeing Underworld. If Kate Beckinsale looks half as good in this movie as she was in Serendipity, then I know the movie will be sweet. (I know looks aren’t everything, but she is obviously cool and that is the most important thing.)
If I am not making any sense, it could be the cold medicine.
Anyway, I rented the movies Scratch and Dead Calm. Scratch is a documentary about turntablism. It was pretty cool. It inspired me to dust off my 1200’s and spin a few tunes before remembering why I gave up the dream of becoming a turntablist myself. #1 I suck at it.
Still fun though.
Dead Calm was dead cool. I liked it a lot, though I wanted to know more about Billy Zane’s experiences before hooking up with Nicole Kidaman and Sam Neill.
I also watched City Slickers 2 and was entertained. It was quite a bit better than I had envisioned, but still not as good as the original. Every time I look at Billy Crystal I think of his character in Monsters Inc.
I went to see Once Upon a Time in Mexico last Saturday. I was again entertained, but I am unsure if I really liked it or thought it was good. It definately had good parts, but as a whole the movie was a little jumbled. This would not be a good film for someone who can’t apply suspension on disbelief. A great (as usual) performance from Johnny Depp helped this movie greatly.
Stick around for the closing credits. There is a lot of crazy guitar music which takes advantage of the surround sound.
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I noticed Absath from Ctrl+Alt+Del is auctioning off an original piece of art on eBay and it got me thinking that this is something I could be doing as well.
One problem: Is anyone interested?
Fire off an e-mail and let me know if you would buy an original piece of artwork from yours truly.
I’m also considering selling commissioned pieces at the Minneapolis FallCon this October 4 and 5. If that goes well, I might carry over the offer to the site.
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