An order of business to take care of:
Please vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics. It’s the start of a new month, so all vote counts restart at zero. I know I mentioned this yesterday, but this reminder is in case you didn’t see it.
Please remember to VOTE EVERY DAY! That’s the only way we can crack into the Top 10. We’ve been really close the last two months – even hitting #11 at one point. Let’s try and get over the hump!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog already in progress…
I know the little number at the top right hand corner of the comic says this is the 150th comic, but it’s not. Remember that I had 7 guest strips a little while back and they’re built into the living archive. Technically, this is the 143rd strip – at least by my hand. Kind of takes the edge off, doesn’t it?
Not that I would probably celebrate 150 strips, anyway. Too much looking backwards and not forwards can’t be healthy, you know? If I want punch and pie, I’ll go to the grocery store.
I think I’ve gone over the fact that Cami is seeing Legally Blonde 2 tonight with out me at least a dozen times, so I won’t reiterate it. Or have I already? Uh-oh!
I have a feeling Cami will love the film so dearly she’ll be more than game to see it a second time. That’s fine with me. This is a chick-flick I wouldn’t mind seeing. Reese Witherspoon is an actress I enjoy. Yup – all 3 feet 4 inches of her. She’s TINY!
…you could put her in your pocket!
I’m seeing the Deftones live in concert tonight. I believe in l33t, the proper response is “woot!”
Beyond that, nothing to report. I guess I’m kind of antsy because I’m taking Thursday off which gives me, you know it – FOUR DAY WEEKEND!
If I were Dennis Miller, I’d be scribbling on a pad of paper right about now mumbling “That’s the news and I… am… outta here!”
Good for you!
Except I had a little trouble fitting Truman in my purse like Elle Woods does with her dog Bruiser...
Okay, I know you ruined a perfectly good purse trying to cram him in there, but that is pretty frickin' cute!