Some thoughts about the impending *THUD!* at the box office here-to-fore known as 2 Fast, 2 Furious:
1. What the hell is going on with the title of this movie? It sounds like something a girl from junior high would write in her year book.
2. Paul Walker + Tyrese + Miami = “Crocket & Tubbs – The Next Generation”
3. I refuse to see this movie.
4. “Woo!”, indeed.
I think the very fact that they made a sequel to the shlock that was The Fast and The Furious smacks of money grubbing foolishness. I feel damn sorry for the generation of car tweakers who are going to get swindled into seeing this new batch of crap.
I resent the first movie for cohersing people into the beliefe that a few decalls and a neon paint job could make their car awesome. In my book, it falls under “obnoxious”. Maybe you need a muffler that sounds like a fat man farting and some wintergreen hi-beams to be cool in Florida, but it looks damn stupid in a corn-fed state like Iowa.
In the immortal words of my good friend Butah P, “You are neither fast and/or furious”
Although the movie will probably do okay at the box office this Friday, it’ll only be because there is no new competition to go up against it. Give it a week and everyone will have forgotten about it.
Until then, expect another toon lampooning this dud. Because it’s just TOO easy to make fun of!
In all my anti 2 Fast, 2 Furious ranting, I forgot to ask you to vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics.
Sticking firmly to their “we only update once a month” policy, Movie Comics put out a new strip and are asking for votes. They’re slowing creeping up the charts.
So please vote. Because I was getting a real ego boost out of being the highest ranked movie-thememed web comic on the Top 150… 😉
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