If you’re checking the comic late on Sunday, please vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics. It’s the start of a new month, so that means all the vote tallys start over again. I’d like to try and crack the Top 10 just so a few more people are aware of our existence. If you could help me with that, I would appreciate it.
I’ll probably mention this again first thing on Monday just because I know more people will be reading. Please don’t think less of me.
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I’m going to get this out of the way right now.
If you enjoy Theater Hopper, please vote for us at Top Web Comics. The Top 150 comics list resets every month, so if we can get a lot of votes past the sleeping guard, we might be able to sneak into the Top 10 and tip more people off to the site.
I don’t have anything I can give you in return. No promotions. No gimmicks. Just consider it a favor to me. Thanks.
That said, I had a chance to see Finding Nemo on Friday and of course I loved it. In fact, much to Cami’s chargrin, I spent most of Saturday quoting from it!
Technologically speaking, it’s light years ahead of 1995’s Toy Story (check out those cascading water effects!) But I don’t think Nemo will ever supplant that movie, it’s sequel – Toy Story 2 – or Monsters, Inc. It’s sad to report that the movie just doesn’t carry the same emotional resonnance.
Don’t get me wrong. I loved every frame. But I think the barrier in this case is that, frankly, we’re dealing with fish here. And while they have great personalities and characters traits, they’re hard to empathize with because… well, because they’re fish.
A Bug’s Life suffers from the same disadvantage. There is only so much I can warm up to a bug.
I don’t mean to sound overly critical. Especially in light of the fact that I think Finding Nemo is still the best picture I’ve seen this year. Story-wise, it still runs circles around the competition.
I thought Ellen DeGeneres did a great job as Dory, the fish with the short attention span. Her character’s disposition was infectious and even though they used the short term memory gag countless times, it never got stale.
Obviously, if you haven’t seen Finding Nemo yet, you need to go. I know I’ll watch it a second time.
Let me sum up another way. How much fun did I have at Finding Nemo? I opted out of seeing The Italian Job because I didn’t want to harsh my buzz. It’s that good.
One last time: VOTE!
There was a point yesterday where Theater Hopper was number 12 on the Top 150 list of Top Web Comics. Now we’re number 15! Please remember to VOTE EVERY DAY!
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Sep 2, 2003 | SITE BUSINESS |
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I don’t know what it is about summer, but it seems to instgate a lot of change.
First It’s All Been Done hangs up its hat, then I learn that Force Monkeys closes up shop, NOW I’m reading that my beloved Nothing Nice to Say is ending its run in 5 days? Nevermind Zach from No Pants Tuesday has seemingly taken a vacation to Mars, or something. What the hell am I supposed to do with myself now that all my favorites are leaving me?
I guess I’ll have to make some new friends.
Never-the-less, be sure to visit all of these fallen brothers and make sure their archives remain strong.
In more positive news, Mark Velard of Jayhoo and Jawhoo is upping production to FIVE TIMES A WEEK! I guess it just goes to show when a door is closed a window is opened. Check it out!
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Oct 16, 2002 | GOOD LINKAGE |
Some thoughts about the impending *THUD!* at the box office here-to-fore known as 2 Fast, 2 Furious:
1. What the hell is going on with the title of this movie? It sounds like something a girl from junior high would write in her year book.
2. Paul Walker + Tyrese + Miami = “Crocket & Tubbs – The Next Generation”
3. I refuse to see this movie.
4. “Woo!”, indeed.
I think the very fact that they made a sequel to the shlock that was The Fast and The Furious smacks of money grubbing foolishness. I feel damn sorry for the generation of car tweakers who are going to get swindled into seeing this new batch of crap.
I resent the first movie for cohersing people into the beliefe that a few decalls and a neon paint job could make their car awesome. In my book, it falls under “obnoxious”. Maybe you need a muffler that sounds like a fat man farting and some wintergreen hi-beams to be cool in Florida, but it looks damn stupid in a corn-fed state like Iowa.
In the immortal words of my good friend Butah P, “You are neither fast and/or furious”
Although the movie will probably do okay at the box office this Friday, it’ll only be because there is no new competition to go up against it. Give it a week and everyone will have forgotten about it.
Until then, expect another toon lampooning this dud. Because it’s just TOO easy to make fun of!
In all my anti 2 Fast, 2 Furious ranting, I forgot to ask you to vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics.
Sticking firmly to their “we only update once a month” policy, Movie Comics put out a new strip and are asking for votes. They’re slowing creeping up the charts.
So please vote. Because I was getting a real ego boost out of being the highest ranked movie-thememed web comic on the Top 150… 😉
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Sep 2, 2003 | SITE BUSINESS |
Jul 30, 2004 | READING MATERIAL |
May 1, 2003 | THAT WAS FAST! |
May 1, 2003 | BOOST MY EGO! |
As promised, I’m taking another shot at 2 Fast, 2 Furious. This time, I’m focusing my “Laser of Hate”(tm) on star Paul Walker – An individual who reminds me so painfully of every jock I had to talk circles around in high school to avoid a fist-fight… it makes me sick. If Paul Walker spontaneously bursts into flames tomorrow morning, it won’t be too soon.
I hope you like todays strip. It took a lot of work for me to put it together. Of course, that was kind of the point. I felt Monday and Wednesday’s strip lacked a certain… I don’t know what… in the art department. I tried to raise my game a little before kicking off the weekend.
Cami said she liked that we share a bed in the last panel. “As opposed to what?” I asked. “The Dick Van Dyke Show beds of the 1950’s where we sleep in individual beds with a nightstand seperating us?”
That girl is cute. I dig her. 🙂
By the way, if you want to check out other instances where I’ve used the “Tom dreams of horrible violence gag” you can scope them here and here. We’ve come a long way, baby.
Did anyone happen to catch the 2003 MTV Movie Awards last night? It’s not as if you may have missed anything special. They tape the show in advance and the winners are released in the press the next day. By the time it makes it to television a week later, the air has been let out of the thing.
I don’t really watch for the awards. That’s just a toss off anyway. We all know the awards are a guise for getting a bunch of celebrities in a room and selling ad time. The reason I watch is for the comedy skits and parodies – which were pretty good. The Charlie’s Angels “Ass Coordinator” parody actually makes me want to go see it now. Mission accomplished, Drew Barrymore – you savvy business woman!
I’m starting to feel skittish about asking for votes for the Top 150 list at Top Web Comics (note, I did not include a link). It was pointed out to me in the forums that in the 16 strips since I’ve joined the list, I’ve asked for votes 11 times – sometimes twice in a day. That made me feel… icky.
I don’t want to get in the position of having to remind or beg or whatever for votes and I need to keep that in mind. So if you see me stepping out of line or if it becomes annoying to you, let me know. I need to remember that you guys don’t come here to be pestered for votes, but to be entertained.
I leave it at that.
I hope everyone is catching the nod to the outstanding work of The Brothers Chaps and the infinite hilarity of their site Homestar Runner. If not, you need to check them out right now.
I don’t think it’s any big surprise that 2 Fast, 2 Furious pulled in the most bank this weekend. It faced no competition and was geared to that “target demo” that is so frivolous with its cash. And by “target demo”, I mean 15 year old boys.
It’s scary how well marketers know you and your spending habits. Don’t believe me? Look at the formula? Cars, guns, girls in tight clothes. Is that a movie for grandma? Of course not. So who goes? Kids with cash. If they have girlfriends, odds are they are dragging them along with ’em. It’s a double-whammy.
I would hope this scourge would be wiped off the face of movie screens everywhere after a week, but this weekends competition doesn’t look too strong. Dumb and Dumberer? Uh-oh.
Anyway, enough about money and marketing and all that boring crap. Let’s talk about the strip.
I was really shocked when I found out John Singleton was the director on 2F2F. It doesn’t really fit within his range of style. I mean, even when he’s pitching more toward the mainstream, he usually sticks closer to an urban theme – like he did in Shaft.
I just think it’s a damn waste that one of the most promising directors of the early 90’s – a guy who gave a very clear view into gang culture and violence in Boyz in tha Hood – could turn around and do something like 2F2F. Maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised. He DID direct Michael Jackson’s “Remember the Time” video. I think Wacko Jacko must have warped him.
I had a chance this weekend to sit down and watch The Animatrix. As expected, Cami wasn’t into it. I started watching it while she was reading a book. Protesting, she wondered why I didn’t wait to watch it until Wednesday night when she would be out of the house. No such luck, sweetcheeks!
For what it was worth, I thought it was okay. An interesting experiment more than anything. Some of them I had already seen online, so I kind of knew the score.
Of those I hadn’t seen, I really enjoyed “A Detective Story” and “Beyond” the most. The former more for its visual style and pacing and the latter for it’s taken on The Matrix and how it works.
If you haven’t seen it, “Beyond” sets up the premise where a house in The Matrix is “glitching” so the laws of gravity, physics, environment, et al don’t apply. Yet all the kids in the neighborhood are oblivious and just think it’s haunted. Very clever. If you’re at all interested in the mythology of the franchise, you should at least rent it.
I’m growing concerned that poster sales have stagnated. I’m curious as to why this is. I have an inkling that many of you are biding your time until the print run begins to dwindle and plan on snatching one up then. I’ve received a few e-mails to that effect.
So I’m trying to figure out a way to spur sales. Should I have Jared and Cami sign a poster, too? Should I drop the price? What are your thoughts. Hit me up in the forum and let me know.
Lastly, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who e-mailed me in regard to the whole Top Web Comics episode I spoke of on Friday. Many of you were very supportive and said nice things about the comic to boot. I appreciate that.
I still don’t know what I’m going to do in regard to the reminders (i.e. frequence, discontinuation), but it’s good to know you guys are out there reading this. It’s nice to know someone is listening.
I’m kind of in a weird place right now. Summer is around the corner and always at this time of year I step back and take stock of things. I feel like I’ve been sitting still for too long. I need to start moving again. Just to know I can. I need to do more – be more. Make things better.
Thanks for putting up with any “glitches” of my own during this period. I should be back to normal in a little while.
If you guys are interested in seeing Tom, Jared and Cami drawn under the influence of another artist’s pen, then you need to check out Brian Caroll’s excellent web comic Instant Classic. Our Theater Hopper trio has a prominent cameo that induces a giggle-fit from yours truly every time I look at it.
Go now and be sure to vote for Instant Classic on TWC. We’re trying to bump him up the list so we can group TH, Movie Comics and his strip together in the list! (Hey! I never said anything about helping OTHER comics climb the list!)
Watch out, gamer comics! Movie-themed strips are on the rise!
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Making the rounds this morning, I was pleased to find that Zach finally got off his firmly-toned can and updated NO PANTS TUESDAY! Yippie!
Be sure to swing by and tell him Tommy sent’cha. Give him props for the new art direction, as well. It’s hella tight, peeps.
Fo’ sheezy.
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