Did Cami purchase Spirited Away for me on DVD? True. Is Spirited Away a most awesome movie? True. Do I see spirits in my house and mistake them for Jared. Sometimes.
Often times I create strips and I worry that I am only speaking to a few of you in the audience. Experience has taught me that those worries are total bollocks and you guys are whip-smart when it comes to the references. But for those of you who AREN’T… go out and rent Spirited Away right now. It will fill that empty part of your soul with a feeling not unlike cotton candy. Warm and sweet.
Just because I want to get it out of the way, I want to mention that the poster sale is continuing and they’re rolling out like gangbusters! The tally on the left tells you we’re almost past the one-fourth mark, but don’t let it fool you. I can think of maybe a half dozen readers who have notified me that their payment would be coming by snail mail. Don’t sit around on this one! Order your poster today!
Would it help you to know that Zachary Miller from No Pants Tuesday and Aric Christensen from Fish Strips have bought posters? Cave in to the peer pressure! CAVE!
Speaking of web comics, Mark from Jayhoo and Jawhoo mentioned “ripping off” his design for his bonus materials page from my design here on the site. To this I respond – “Good for you!” and “Glad I could help!”
Mark produces top shelf toon action and I feel doesn’t get the recognition he deserves. Lend this man your moral support. He deserves your respect and admiration.
I wanna talk about some trivial crap, because I haven’t done that in a while. Things have felt so business-minded around here, it’s like I can’t goof off anymore. So, some randomness…
I’ve been playing the demo for Amplitude on my PS2 over and over. It has a track from Garbage’s last album called “Cherry Lips”. I am hooked on this song. So much, in fact, I had to go out and buy the album.
One song I am NOT hook on is “Believe” by Cher. A co-worker carelessly left the song on “repeat” in her computer’s CD player and then took off for lunch. Our lunch hours overlap at weird times, so I ended up listening to this song on repeat for 3 HOURS! I couldn’t find the damn CD player on her machine and didn’t want to turn it off cold because, y’know, I’m the GOOD guy.
And here’s a dose of irony for you: I left early from work because I had an eye appointment in the afternoon. I go to the optometrist, tell them I’m here and then sit in the waiting room. What’s the first song that comes over the PA system? You guessed it. “Believe” by Cher. NEVER AGAIN!
You know what movie is good. About A Boy. Why is it I like Hugh Grant more when he’s playing an unrepentant bastard?
Hot Buttered Funk is the shiznit. That is all.
I just watched Spider-Man for the first time. I don’t know why I waited. I guess i didn’t think it would appeal to me, but it did. ::THWIPP!:: Thumbs up!
I also watched Birthday Girl starring Nicole Kidman and Ben Chaplin. It was a very good film. It’s British and I really hadn’t heard much about it, but it was a good find. Russian mail order brides? Bank robberies? Plot twists galore? Count me in!
I was clicking through the links on the right and stumbled across the music of ComradeF over at The Misc. Check out the tracks with Lucy Doll here, they are definitely worth your time.
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Jun 27, 2005 | IT BE NAP TIME |