The scenario in today’s strip is close enough to the truth to make a joke out of it. I’m finding the war coverage more and more oppressive. I was really left with very little choice but to go out and find some mindless escapism. So Cami and I went out and rented a bunch of dumb movies. We would have seen Phone Booth, but as you can imagine, we weren’t to up on seeing a movie about terrorism at the moment.
For the record, we really did rent The Master of Disguise and Undercover Brother. You won’t find me near Sweet Home Alabama with a ten foot pole, so our third movie was actually Wet, Hot American Summer.
Despite my better judgment, I really like Master of Disguise, but I’m glad I didn’t see it in a theater. Truthfully, I’m just more excited about Dana Carvey doing his thing than anything else. I’ve been a big fan of his for a long time. It’s a crime he isn’t in more movies.
I really liked Undercover Brother. I laughed out loud several times – which shocked me, because I’m not really fond of Eddie Griffin. But it was racial humor done right. If it had come along before the Austin Powers franchise, I picture it being much more popular. Be being the “johnny-come-lately” that it is, there’s a certain “been there, done that” feel about it.
Clearly the best of the three movies we picked up this weekend was Wet, Hot American Summer. I wish I could describe it to you, but I can’t. Basically, it’s a send up of every cheesy 80’s movie cliche there is – but I’m not talking in a Breakfest Club kind of way. Think Meatballs. It stars Janeane Garofalo and David Hyde Pierce, but it was written and directed by some cast-offs from the comedy troupe The State. You might remember the show they had on MTV for a couple of seasons in the mid-90’s.
Do yourself a favor and rent it. It’s got cult status stamped all over it.
Beyond that, I’m still getting used to updating the site through the new PHP script Comrade F from The Misc. helped me to install. For more background information on the big switch, check out Friday’s strip.
Last, but not least, I’d like to publicly thank those of you who donated over the weekend after I detailed the sob story about my car and the $700 in repairs I’ve been laid up with. You’re help means more than I can express.
But this generosity got me to thinking: I’m not usually one to ask for a handout. I’ll take it if you give it, but it only seems far to give something back in return, right? That’s why I’m pleased to announce that I am working on a THEATER HOPPER POSTER!
My hope is to get this off to the printer this week. My plan is to do a really small run and number them so those of you who buy them know you have something extra special in your possession. If they turn out to be a success, I’ll whip up a brand new poster with a limited print run and number those, too!
I’ll sign the poster for anyone who wants the autographed and plan on shipping them in tubes so they don’t get ruined. PayPal looks like the logical choice for now, but if you have any suggestions for internet transactions that don’t charge a fee, drop me a line.
I’ll let everyone know when I have more information!
Thanks again!
Something I wanted to mention earlier, but forgot: Both Nothing Nice To Say and No Pants Tuesday are back in full swing.
Anyone who already checks this site, probably already checks theirs – so this information may not come as a surprise. But both of these guys are buddies of mine and I wanted to give them a shout-out. It’s great to see them back on the horse.
…and nooooo, I’m not talking about heroin!
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Hi! Well, I’m really happy to be posting to the site. For my first blog, I’d like to address my disappointment in a movie I saw over the weekend…well, I actually slept through it with Truman balancing on my head on the couch.
Master of Disguise starring Dana Carvey is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. What’s with his Italian accent? He was obviously born in the U.S., so I don’t get it…and even I can’t stretch my imagination that far and imagine that 52-year old Carvey is the son of James Brolin.
Ok, OK, so I know I’m making a lot of Dana Carvey fans angry…I guess I’m just out of sorts today. I think it’s the 4.5 inches of snow we received last night. Or, maybe I’m not adjusted to Daylight Savings Time…or it could be that I have a case of the Mondays. And, we all know what remedies that… A TALL GLASS OF PAIN GO BYE-BYE JUICE. (Tom, you’re buying tonight!)
Anyway, I’m excited that I got to write a blog!
Hey–maybe it’s just me, but do Tom and Jared look a little TOO happy in that sketch above? I mean, I’ve known both of them for 11 years, but I’ve never quite seem them so… umm… into each other. For the record, both Tom and Jared are married — HAPPILY MARRIED.
You’re one dirty bird, lady.
I like it!
Woo Hoo! It’s blog writing time the easy way! Cami, I am glad you pointed out the subliminal message in Tom’s drawing. I think it shows clearly who wears the pants in our relationship. Hee hee.
Anyway, down to business. I watched Queen of the Damned this weekend, which was okay. It fit well into the larger world of popular vampire lore and I must say it was fairly enjoyable, even for a soundtrack driven movie. I didn’t really see anything too spectacular in Aaliyah’s performance though, and there is a laughable “Lois Lane and Superman flying through the night air” scene. If your into vampire flicks, check this out, but otherwise don’t wear out your shoes running for this one.
I also went to a local second run theater and saw Shanghai Knights. As I expected, it was entertaining. Nuff said.