I’m hoping I don’t alienate you with this sudden turn toward crude and vulgar humor. According to most of the letters I’ve been receiving lately, a lot of you are responding positively to the relationship between my wife Cami and I. Today’s strip is about as far as you can get from that, but I really just wanted to use the name “Barfy McPukes-A-Lot” as a punch line.
Truthfully, I don’t think I’ve ever drawn projectile vomit quite so masterfully.
I’m just glad I’m not making another reference to Daredevil, Ben Affleck or My Big Fat Greek Wedding. For the last two weeks, it feels like it’s been the only thing I’ve been talking about.
As far as Old School is considered, I’m psyched to see it. I could use a good, stupid comedy right now. Just the remedy to chase off the winter doldrums.
Everyone I’ve talked to is pumped to see this flick and I think a lot of it has to do with Will Ferrell. A Night at the Roxbury not withstanding, Ferrell has always struck gold on the big screen. He practically walked away with Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
The fact that this movie was made by the guys who did Road Trip earns extra points in my book. I always felt that movie was one of the better in the teen gross-out bonanza of a few years ago. It kinda slips under the radar. But if your movie has a python biting Tom Green’s hand, how can you fail?!
I’ve read a few advanced reviews of the film and critics are taking their billy clubs to it. Typical. The further I go in life, one resounding lesson becomes clear: MOVIE CRITICS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT COMEDY!
And really, why should they? What’s funny is a concept infinitely open to interpretation. Take Cami, for example. She’s as smart as she is beautiful (aw, here comes the mushy stuff again!), but she’ll be incapacitated with laughter by a good fart joke. I’m serious. You could just walk up to her and say “poop” and get a giggle out of her. Sure, it may be juvenile and offensive to Bitchy McMovie-Reviewer, but don’t take the fun out of it for the rest of us.
And what is with me and all these fake names?
Generally, I find critics useless and only use a select few as a reverse litmus test. I.E. – “Reviewer X” hated this movie. I’m sure to love it! The only reason a read any reviews at all is to get different opinions on dramas. Really these are the only films from which rational discourse can be derived. If you’re sitting around analyzing the “eating beans around the campfire” scene from Blazing Saddles, you’re reading into things too much. Drama, on the other hand, lends itself to lively debate.
That being said, I’m seeing Old School tonight and Bitchy McMovie-Reviewer can eat my ass with a spoon.
For those of you that are interested, I found this story at CNN.com about a woman who has filed a class action lawsuit against Lowe’s Theaters for the ads they place in front of movies.
For those of you too lazy to read the entire article, the gist of it is that a Chicago-area English teacher thinks theaters are putting out false advertising by saying a movie starts at 7:30, when really it doesn’t start until after you’ve sat through 10 minutes of commercials. Part of the complaint stems from resenting to pay money to watch commercials when you can do it for free at home. She is seeking lost time damages of $75 per plaintiff in the suit.
I’m not a big fan of these ads, but I think this lady is barking up the wrong tree. She’ll never win.
For one, this practice of putting ads before movies brings in over $200 million dollars annually for distributors. They expect that figure to jump another million dollars in the next year alone. And as we all know, anything that makes money in the movie industry ALWAYS trumps consumer comfort or complaints.
You also have to think about what this money allows theaters to afford. Everyone would love to sit in a theater with stadium seats with little cup holders. But that’s not going to happen without ad money coming in. That is, unless you want to pay for a small Coke that costs $15.
On the other hand, you have to ask “How much is enough?” Box office receipts have been increasing every year for the last decade. More people are going to more movies at twice the cost it was even 5 years ago. Despite some of the bigger chains having to close a few locations, these guys are raking it in.
But ultimately, the logic is flawed. What are movie previews if not commercials for the next “product” being sent into theaters by the studios? One could even argue that the movies themselves are commercials — prompting you to buy soundtracks, action figures, t-shirts or other assorted merchandise. Let’s not forget about product placement in movies, either. Should I pay good money to know that Martin Lawrence is a security guard at a Coca-Cola distribution center? Probably not, but I didn’t make the movie.
This whole debate is a question of taste. Which, by now, this woman should have learned that the movie industry has none. One pithy lawsuit isn’t going to make Hollywood snap to attention and realize that their customers don’t like being annoyed. Like all of life’s other inconveniences, ads in front of movies will becomes just another gimmick we teach ourselves to filter out and ignore.
:: END RANT ::
One last bit of business. Today’s college-themed strip is appropriate because lately I’ve been getting e-mails from friends I used to go to school with. They’re all scattered around the country right now, so I think it’s a real trip that they’ve found the site and the time to write me.
So thanks to Jenny, Dan and Eric. Your support means a lot.
Oh, and you reading this. I think you’re pretty cool, too. 🙂
I wish I could tell some grand tale of angst that lead me to create today’s strip, but truth be told, I was strapped for ideas.
Originally, I was going to do a strip about forgetting my wallet at the theater while attempting to buy tickets. This really happened to me on Friday when we went to see Old School. The punch line would have been something like “It’s like those dreams where you’re standing around in your underwear!” And there I would be in my skivvies.
But then I thought, “Nah. It’s been done.”
Then I was going to do a strip about The Pianist. It was pretty much a one note affair (no pun) that was a play on the pronunciation of the movie’s title. I’m sure if you take a minute to pause, you can envision where I’m going. Figuring it was kind of third grade, I decided to pass.
Today’s strip doesn’t relate to anything other than my utter disappointment with the big screen offerings Chris Rock seems to be falling for these days. If you’ve seen the trailer for Head of State, you know what I’m talking about. Bad Company, Pootie Tang, Down to Earth. This guy has to be one of the sharpest social satirists of the modern age and he’s making this crap? Oh, well. I guess Richard Pryor was in Superman III.
As I mentioned above, I was able to go out and see Old School this weekend. I was going to write a review about it, but truthfully remember very little of the movie. Maybe it was the beer I drank before the late showing to get into the spirit or maybe it was because there was nothing particularly worth recalling in detail.
The film was funny, but I don’t remember any scenes worth re-enacting for my friends and co-workers. Will Ferrell is the best reason to see the movie. His performance makes up for everything Luke Wilson lacks and smooths over the rough edges of Vince Vaughn’s character, who is somewhat unlikable.
Ferrell plays things kind of dumb, but delivers his lines in a way that milks every last ounce of funny from what he has to work with. Surprise cameos from Sean William Scott and Andy Dick played well.
I’d probably see the movie again when it comes out on video. Actually, I’d probably buy it on DVD. But I have no need to see it in a theater again. Check it out if you’re looking for a movie where you can just turn off your brain and laugh for an hour and a half.
In site news, I am working on implementing a script that will result in the site being converted to .php format. I grabbed the script from Comrade F, who you may have noticed running around over at Snafu Comics and Mall Monkeys. He’s a good guy and has been helping me with the conversion.
Making the upgrade shouldn’t affect your viewing of the strip, but it will help me to keep the site more organized. There may be a few tweaks involving the addition of graphics, but that can only enhance your experience in my estimation.
Anyway, in March I will have been in the game for half a year. I figure now is the time to get serious about things before the archive gets too big for me to manage.
Just something for your breadbox.
I wish I could draw a map that led to the desperation of today’s strip. Why I find the concept of old people making out hilarious, I’ll never know. I’ve seriously stumbled into Adam Sandler territory here.
Cami was sufficiently grossed out by today’s comic. She told me while I was drawing it that I shouldn’t go through with it. I guess I never really confirmed if it was because the idea grossed her out or if she just didn’t think it was funny. I prefer to think it was the former. Softer blow to the ego that way.
The strip was actually inspired by an older couple we saw at Old School last Friday. This man and woman had to at least be in their late 60’s. They were really moving slow and holding up the whole program while people were trying to find their seats. Were they really doing the horizontal mambo in the back row? I guess only the projectionist knows…
I don’t have a lot of industry related stuff to rant about. There’s really nothing coming up worth getting in a tizzy over. I’m sure the “urban markets” (as those Hollywood executives call them) are excited for Cradle 2 The Grave with DMX and Jet Li, but I can’t seem to care less.
Does anyone remember when Jet Li came stateside a few years ago as the villain in Lethal Weapon 4? People were talking about him like he was the next best thing. Now all of a sudden, he’s stuck playing the sidekick role to a bunch of rappers who want to earn an acting merit badge.
Poor Jet Li. X gonna give it to ‘ya.
If you haven’t heard by now, there are a couple of anniversaries within the community worth mentioning. No Pants Tuesday is celebrating their two years on the scene and Zach’s work is stronger than ever. If you haven’t been keeping up with the current story line, I suggest you get on board now! I have it on good authority that there are going to be some major shake ups over at NPT.
Nothing Nice to Say is also celebrating their first anniversary. Mitch has something nothing short of a phenomenon on his hands. I’m not sure what he has planned to mark the occasion, but I’m sure it’ll be great.
I wanted to mention that I’ve partnered up with the crew over at It’s All Been Done. We have a special arrangement where we’re going to start promoting the dickens out of each other. Did you see what I did above for No Pants Tuesday and Nothing Nice to Say? Well, apply that to It’s All Been Done and there you have it.
But seriously, the strip is great. Professional as all get out. GREAT art and superb writing. And their site design can’t be beat. Not to toot my own horn, but I always thought that this site had a pretty kicking look to it. It’s All Been Done makes Theater Hopper look like a bucket of puke.
Was that a little harsh? Okay, over the line. But that doesn’t subtract from the awesome truth that Erik and Jon put together a strip that would look as great as an animated series as it would a web comic. Check it out.
Once again I’m taking pot shots at my local theater, the ever-so charming Wynnsong 16.
This situation has happened to me personally more times than I care to recall. It’s also the first example I cite when theater managers get pissed at how customers bring in their own food and beverages.
I realize that managing a theater can’t be easy. But in situations where the work force is so clearly imbalanced, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that poor resource management is afoot.
I would seriously hate to consider that the ones selling tickets are being instructed not to slip behind the concessions during peek business because of a lack of training. No one gave me any pointers on how to fill a bucket of popcorn when *I* worked at a movie theater.
Whenever I run into stupid crap like this, I always say a tiny prayer to myself asking God to flatten these cursed buildings and replace them with smaller, more intimately run family theaters. I doesn’t have to be anything fancy like a tornado. Just a loose i-beam in the ceiling structure. Of course, it would have to be just after the last movie gets out, so the only one who is crushed… is the manager.
Not much movie stuff going on. I mentioned Cradle 2 the Grave in Wednesday’s post. Yawn.
Lately I’ve been keeping close tabs on some of the other sites in the community and all the celebrating that’s been going on. It makes me jealous as all get-out because I want to start doing something special with Theater Hopper. The problem is, I don’t know what.
I’ve thought about doing another crossover, maybe putting together some stickers or t-shirts, but all of it takes more planning than I have time to commit to.
Don’t read me wrong. I’m not whining about how busy I am or how little sleep I get. I sleep fine, thank you. I just haven’t come up with a promotional concept that doesn’t seem contrived in some way.
I suppose the best way to go about things is just to plug along as usual. People will find me in due time. It seems to have worked so far. Traffic for the month of February has sky-rocketed to almost 1,100,000 hits – due in no small part to the link I received from News Askew as well as the generous mentions I’ve been getting on the front pages of some big name web comics.
I get e-mail every now and again telling me I’m doing good work and I appreciate it, but I just want more. Not e-mails (although that would be nice) but more for the site. More for the fans. I wish I just had more to give you. All in due time, I suppose.
I guess I’m concerned because February has been such a windfall in terms of new readership, I don’t want to squander this opportunity.
To that end, I’m making it known right now that I will be out of town the week of March 10 and there will be no new strips between March 10 and March 16.
I’m giving everyone a head’s up now before the weekend, but I plan on letting everyone know more about it next week when there is more to tell.
I can tell you that I will be going to New York and it is a vacation. I don’t want anyone thinking things are serious. But there was an opportunity to go that came up suddenly, and we’ve decided to take it.
That means there won’t be any strips done in advance. I simply don’t have enough prep time.
HOWEVER, if there are any of you comic creators out there interested in sending me guest strips to cover for me while I’m away, I would be more than interested. There’s no reason I couldn’t have Jared upload those for me while I’m away. E-mail me if you’re looking for a little extra exposure.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan on doing diddly-squat with mine. I just got Xenosaga in the mail and I’ll probably be spending Saturday and Sunday wading through all the cut-scenes before the actual game play really takes off. Wish me luck!