50 Strips. Wow. Who thought it would ever come to this. I certainly didn’t.
Well, with such a milestone under our belts, it seems appropriate to celebrate, doesn’t it? So that’s just what we’re gonna do!
Be sure to come back on Monday for the Theater Hopper 50th Strip Celebration! To mark this momentous occasion, we’ll be undertaking a crossover with the another movie-themed strip – Carrington Vanston’s excellent Movie Punks.
This is a real thrill and honor for me. I’ve been a big fan of Movie Punks from the very beginning. Carrington and I actually started developing our strips at the same time. Well, okay, I think he had a month or two on me. But regardless, Carrington is a really great guy who is doing me an awesome favor by helping in this celebration. I know how busy he is right now and the fact that he’s willing to help me out with this on top of his regular publishing schedule proves Carrington is the nicest guy in the world.
If you’re not reading Movie Punks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you need to go there first. Then you can come back here. His strip all that and then some. That’s a fact.
Of course, we’re not doing a crossover just to toot our own horns. It’s a way of saying “thank you” to all of our readers for the support they’ve given us. Regular strips will be published alongside the crossover strips. That means you’ll be getting 6 new strips next week! You can’t beat that bargain with a stick!
Of course, since I’ll be working overtime on all these strips, we’ve got to find a place to stash all those extras…
Say hello to the Bonus Materials page! It’s the new part of the site that will feature all of the cool extras that don’t go anywhere else. Fan art, desktop wallpapers, crossovers – you name it! This will be the place to dig it out. Be sure to check it out! Right now we have 3 pieces of fan art ready and waiting for you. If you’d like to have your work added, feel free to e-mail it to us.
One last bit of information I’ll mention and it has nothing to do with the milestone: In Wednesday’s blog, I erroneously reported that there would be a public voting period in regard to the nominations Theater Hopper received from the Webcomic Choice Awards.
The truth is that there is a panel of judges that will vote on the nominees and the public will not be involved at this time. I regret the error.
In the meantime, thanks again and be sure to come back on Monday for the big crossover event! What kind of wacky misadventures will Tom, Jared, Dexter and Seethe get into? You’ll have to be here on Monday to find out
I'll be right down!
Tom, remember when you saw Goldeneye and through you could repel down the face of the reservoir? What did we learn?
I'm not James Bond.
that’s “rappel”.