November 1st, 2002 | by Tom

(11 votes, average: 7.36 out of 10)
I gotta say that must be one of the longer titles to one of my comics in recent memory.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween. Hopefully none of you are in a recovery room somewhere after eating razor leaden candy apples. Or worse, suffering the indignity of getting a bag of pennies from the crazy Cat Lady from down the street.
My goodness. Can it be November already. Terrifying. Normally I begin to look forward to this time of year because my birthday is December 21 (jot that down). But anymore, I just look past my birthday and that holiday for the big J.C. and focus on the end of the year. New Year’s has become more important to me now. I guess I just like fresh starts.
As Jared mentioned Wednesday, he’s finished up the Theater Hopper documentary. I had a chance to look at it and it is very, very good. Jared did an excellent job of setting up the story, what Theater Hopper is about and where it’s going. He did all of this in a very tidy 6 minutes.
With that in mind, it may be time to note that we probably aren’t going to be selling VHS copies of Jared’s work as previously promoted in this space. Since the length is so short, we can’t justify the expense of producing these at any scale.
That’s not to say we’re not sitting on some quality stuff here. But why get in a tizzy over 6 minutes?
We’re exploring the option of putting Jared’s short film up on the site in installments. Of course, bandwidth consumption is still a concern. Maybe we’ll have one big blow out at the end of the month where we’ll put the film up in it’s entirety and we’ll take our chances getting cut off. If anyone wants a permanent copy, they can save it to their hard drive.
If anyone has ideas, suggestions or preferences, please e-mail them to me. We’d love to get some feedback on this. In what format would you like to see Jared’s good work?
I’d like to give a shout-out to a few new link-buddies. It would behoove you to check out The Aylumantics, The Magic Armadillo, and the good folks of Next Generation Comics. They are all worthy of your love.
Spread that love like a fine cheese…
Part of me wishes I could have done this strip Monday to commemorate the DVD release of Spider-Man, but I was on such a role inserting Cami into the strips, why kill a good thing?
Besides, this leaves room for me to do a whole week of Spider-Man strips. I’ve got some ideas, so stay tuned for those.
My love for all things Spider-Man knows no bounds. I’ve been reading the comics since I was about 8. I’ve since had to let it slide for financial reasons and, admittedly, the clone storyline of the late 90’s did a lot to sour my expectations of my favorite friendly, neighborhood wall-crawler. But the initial appeal and awe of Spider-Man will never wane. He’s the best super hero hands down in my book.
What a relief after almost a decade of legal wrangling that Sam Raimi didn’t screw it up when he brought ol’ web-head to the silver screen. Sure, there were moments of camp and, in certain parts of the web-slinging screamed “YOU ARE WATCHING A SPECIAL EFFECT”, there is a lot of love and admiration of the character in the film. Because of it, I respect it.
Shameful as it is to admit, I didn’t wait in line overnight to pick up my copy of the movie when it came out on Friday. This time of year is often nebulous and frustrating because since I have both my birthday and Christmas in December, I can’t go out and buy some of the movies or CD’s I want.
I talk so much about the new releases that I can’t be sure someone hasn’t already gone out and purchased something for me as a gift. So from the beginning of November until the end of the year, I’m caught in a self-imposed media lockout. I realize that if I end up getting a second copy of a movie, I can just take it back, but it’s never worth the hassle. Have you ever tried returning something to Target without the receipt? Plus, if someone is going out of their way to get me anything at all, it’s too heartbreaking to tell them “Sorry, I already have this” Everyone wants to feel like they put some thought into their gift giving. I can’t bear to bring that disappointment in their lives because I can’t display a little self-restraint.
But don’t think it doesn’t tear me up to see those Spider-Man displays everywhere I turn…
Normally, a site like this one isn’t a place you visit to be confronted by issues, but because it’s Election Day, I’m making a special exception.
I’m not political by any means, but I’m voting today and strongly suggest you do, too.
If the campaigns in your state have been anything like ours here in Iowa (bitter, name-calling diatribes equivalent to 5th grade hair-pulling), you might be turned off to the concept of voting altogether. But in the face of the alternative, democracy is an institution worth taking a few moments out of your day for.
This year, each political seat is being hotly contested. I plan on voting for the corporate-sponsored whore who ran the less offensive campaign. For me, 9 times out of 10 it’s a Democrat. That’s not an endorsement, but in my experience, I can’t shake the stereotype that most Republicans are greedy, old white men who don’t live anywhere near the tax-bracket or planet I come from.
I find the attachment of the Christian-right to the Republican party particularly scary. I’m often offended that Republicans use “family values” as an issue when attacking their rivals. I can’t tell you how many ads I’ve seen where an ominous voice-over declares “Candidate X doesn’t represent Iowa values”. As if we all shared the same brain, or something. I know what’s good for my own family, thank you. I don’t need your mandate to make these choices for me. I can’t find myself voting for a party that believes we should all behave like some homogenized 1950’s nuclear family. Life is more complex than that.
Not that the Democrats don’t have their share of faults. More often than not, they seem to think throwing money at a problem will make it go away. It usually makes it more difficult for those who really need help to actually get any.
In the end, it all comes down to money. I guess the Democratic attitude towards it just offends me less.
I’m not trying to piss off anyone who is a die-hard, card-carrying member of either party. I’m just extolling a preference. So please redirect any energy you would misspend sending me hate mail and use it for getting your lazy 20-something brethren to go out and vote. That was the point of this blog all along.
I don’t vote because I believe in the candidates. I vote because I believe in the system the allowed these chuckleheads to get into power in the first place. If you cast aside your right to vote, you run the risk of losing it altogether. The best you can do is to mark your ballot and hope the guy you picked won’t screw as hard as the other guy would have.
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Here’s hoping everyone got a chance to go out and vote yesterday. At least now I can get back to having commercials where used car salesmen yell at me instead of politicians.
And if anyone can help me decipher the difference between those two camps, I’d like to know.
Not much else to say here today. I’m enjoying the current arc if only because I get to draw myself wearing a Spider-Man mask. I used to draw Spider-Man a lot when I was younger. I think there’s a whole box of pictures somewhere in my parents basement full of my Spidey drawings.
Zach over at No Pants Tuesday says I’m missing out on some good stories in the Spider-verse right now. I wouldn’t know. I haven’t read comics in over half a decade. I don’t think I can start again now. That stuff is like crack and I can’t afford it. At least not while I’m nursing this heroin habit.
Just kidding!
Speaking of No Pants Tuesday, it might be fun for you to check out their new web cam page. Yours truly was invited to slap his ugly mug up there to scare the children.
Right now the page seems to be a web-comic creator only affair. In addition to Zach’s pic, you’ll find Carrington from Movie Punks, Aric from Fish Strips and Amber from Go Eat A Spamwich. I’m sure there will be more to come.
Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered what I looked like, now’s your chance to get a good laugh. I used to be really phobic about letting people online know what I looked like. Anymore, I’ve come to realize just how awesome and supportive the online comics community is. I see no reason to hide like some stuck-up techno artist when I already use my real name in my dealings with the public. My true form should be no different.
I guess you can say I’ve grown to trust you. Awww…
Well, this wraps up the week of Spider-Man references. Too bad. I was having fun drawing the mask.
For some reason, I’m always at a loss on Friday’s when it comes to writing up the blog. Ideas float in and out, but nothing seems to stick. I should be writing this stuff down and refer to the notes.
I guess I might be seeing 8 Mile this weekend as it appears to be the only viable new release out there. Nevermind I haven’t gotten around to seeing Red Dragon or The Ring – two flicks I was really geared up for, but slacked off on seeing.
When I first heard about 8 Mile, I thought it was just going to be a hip-hop version of Glitter – another movie vehicle for a pop star. When I heard Curtis Hanson of LA Confidential and Wonder Boys was directing, I gave it pause for consideration.
My willingness to go has waned, but the generally positive reviews I’m hearing have piqued my interest again. Words like “intense”, “charismatic”, “powerful” and “inspirational” are being lobbed about. Your don’t use those words for things you hate.
The most interesting notices I’ve read have pegged Eminem for an Oscar nomination next year. I don’t know if it’s in the cards, but nobody thought Frank Sinatra would ever win an Oscar, either. The people at G.L.A.D.D. must be chewing the corners off the walls by now.
I was going to go into a thing about Eminem as an artist, but it’s been done to death. Let’s just say I own all three of his albums and think he is a talented voice. He’s got balls to make the leap to film so shortly after his introduction to mainstream America. Good luck to him.
I’m slowly creeping up on 50 strips and I’m beginning to panic. Part of me would like to celebrate. It’s really a milestone and I think I’ve shown my willingness to celebrate considering I was the guy who did a week of strips for getting 5,000 unique hits.
Obviously things have changed since then. Lots more people are coming to the site and I’m finding it brought up in conversation is some of the weirdest places. Someone is linking to me from the Barenaked Ladies message board? Site logs can be interesting sometimes.
In terms of the big five-oh, I’ve had some plans swirling around as to how to celebrate. I’ve been threatening to add a bonus section for a while now, but I don’t know. I guess I’ll just take this time to announce that if the milestone passes without a lot of hoopla, it’s not a disservice to the readers, I just don’t want to build up the possibility of some big change or addition to the site and then come up lame.
I’ve been noticing a few other sites like No Pants Tuesday and Mall Monkeys have really exploded lately. Both have given a lot of credit to Top Web Comics for bringing new readers to their sites.
We’ve been around the block on the TWC issue a few times. I think my stance is pretty clear. I think it’s a good promotional tool that has been bastardized along the way.
But now, watching these strips that came up around the same time I did finding success makes me second-guess myself.
I still think there’s a lot of negativity surrounding the methods sites use to generate hits. (Movie Comics – I’m looking in your direction) So in that respect, I’m glad I’m not involved. But sometimes I dream what I would be like to have my work exposed to more people.
I talked to Zach about it on AIM a couple of days ago. He told me I really painted myself into a corner with what I said about the TWC. He was right. But ultimately, good work is its own reward. If more and more people find the site through the links of other sites, the word of mouth will spread and more people will come. It’s up to me to keep the quality consistent. I trust the rest will take care of itself. Thanks to you guys, it looks like it will.
Don’t think for a second I’m going to cave and align myself with TWC. I’ve gone to far on my word to turn back now. It’s just good to think out loud sometimes.
At any rate, I’m glad I don’t have to slap those ugly TWC banners everywhere. They’d really clash with the design. There’s an upside to everything, it seems.
Have a great weekend. We’ve all earned it.
There seems to be a lot of geek-centric material coming out in the last few weeks. First Spider-Man, now Star Wars. In a couple of weeks it will be Lord of the Rings.
I guess that’s good marketing for you. Gear up those big ticket sellers for the holidays when you know geeks for miles around will be lined up around the block for the privilege to bring a copy into their own home.
I’m pitching another story arc that is similar to last week. I know this just looks like I’m recycling ideas, but quite frankly, I’m getting a real thrill out of dressing up the characters in different costumes. It’s good to stretch your artistic muscles every now and again.
Speaking of which, I’ve started to employ some new coloring and highlighting techniques. I hope you noticed them. Aric from Fish Strips noticed so he gets the free link for today!
The weather in Iowa is totally backwards right now. On Saturday, it was in the high 60’s, sunny and pleasant. Sunday night, the wind is howling like a banshee and it’s snowing.
It’s enough to make you want to sleep. And I do. So I will.
I have a habit of checking out the oddities page on Today I was surprised to find my home county in the news! Apparently we have a rat problem.
I went to 8-Mile on Saturday and was entertained. The main thing I didn’t like was the ending. I don’t think I am spoiling too much to say that this could have ended so much better than it did. What, did the writer inspire himself so much that he had to go be a rapper right this very second – before he could even finish the script? I enjoyed the rap battles and would have been okay seeing more. The sex scene however, was plenty long. Now I know what gratuitous means.
If you had planned on seeing 8-Mile, by all means go. But if you are just a casual movie goer, my advice is to wait for the rental.
Enough was this weekend’s rental. Though it received bad reviews I really enjoyed this movie. Watch this one with your sweetie.
Here’s part two of the Star Wars storyline I’m working with this week. I know some of you might be thinking that I’ve overlooked this weeks other high-profile DVD release, but don’t worry. I’ve got a Lord of the Rings joke waiting in the wings for Friday.
Of course, right now I’m in the 9th circle of Hell because I couldn’t run out and get my grubby little mitts on either movie yesterday. This all stems back to the holiday sanctions I mentioned in an earlier blog that prevent me from spending my money all willy-nilly.
Yeah, don’t think it doesn’t tear me up to see a gaggle of grinning jokers on the No Pants Tuesday cam portal page holding up their copies for the world to see.
They’re taunting me. I hate them.
I got a couple of e-mails asking me why I didn’t make some jokes about 8-Mile on Monday. Believe me, I would have liked to, but every treatment I came up with resulted in one of the characters rapping at some point. The fact of the matter is, I’ve got no flow. I could write a rap to save my life. So I just decided to forgo the usual helping of embarrassment and stick to something appropriately geeky.
It was really never a contest. If you’re putting up Star Wars against 8-Mile, it’s kind of obvious who’s going to garner the lion’s share of the attention. I’m just one of “that” generation.
Less is more for Wednesday. I spent too much time coloring the strip. I’m done with looking at it.
Yo my name is Jared and I can’t rap
every time I try it just sounds like crap
some would say I’m doin’ it right
but if I were bread I’d sure be white!
Peace Outside Y’all
Okay, I must apologize for that. I just read Tom’s blog and decided to give the 8-Mile fans a little turd to put in their pockets and enjoy. Again, I’m sorry.
Last night my buddy Eric came over and we watched the wonderful meshing of Stephen King, Emilio Estevez, and AC/DC that is Maximum Overdrive. Angry Trucks!? Very enjoyable. Not good, but very enjoyable.
I have never met the guys from Troy’s Bucket, or really even communicated with them, but I saw them around town the other day. Where? Well, that’s the big mystery isn’t it? SHICK Shick shick AHH Ahh ahh.
On a different note, Video Update raised their prices! Now the 2 for 99 cents deal has been altered to 2 for $1.49! Don’t they understand my financial situation and my lusty desire to watch cheap movies! The deal has been altered and I’m praying like Lando that they don’t alter it any further.
Of course, movie rentals are free at the library. Oh well.
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Nov 13, 2002 | THE MORE YOU KNOW… |
Jared found Maximum Overdrive to be “very enjoyable”? Now does everyone understand why he takes the brunt of the violence in the strip?
Still, I gotta give him props on that rap. Most of mine went more like:
My name is Tom
and I’m here to say
I can get funky
almost every day!
See what I’m talkin’ about? Ahhh, you kids don’t know nuthin’! Why, I my day, we didn’t rap about killing your Mom or smoking blunts! We rapped about sneakers and people who talk too much!
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