If you’re visiting the site, that means you were curious to find out what happens in part 2 of BLOOD WORK WEEK! Good for you.
For those of you just being introduced to this story arc, let me provide a quick summary:
Blood Work: Haven’t seen it, don’t plan to. Read review. Review mentioned sex scene for star Clint Eastwood. Creative epiphany occurred. Milking it for all it’s worth.
Something quick I’d like to vent about in today’s news blog. What the hell is this crap?
For years we’ve been teased that a Superman vs. Batman movie could be in the works. Nick Cage, Kevin Smith and Tim Burton were all attached to various incarnations of the project at some point.
Then, a few weeks ago, Wolfgang Peterson comes out and confirms, yes, he is directing this clash of the titans for Warner Bros.
Geek hearts a-flutter, rumors spilled all over the Internet hot sheets. Who would play the heroes? Colin Ferrell, Jude Law and Josh Harnett were all names lobbed about. Peterson was talking it up in the press, expunging greatly on how excited he was to be associated with the project and the cool thematic elements he was developing for the story.
Now we come to learn Peterson is shelving the project to concentrate on the Greek epic Troy!?! Gimme a friggin break! Hey, Wolfie! I already saw Gladiator — twice! We don’t need another luke-warm rehash of the swords and sandals genre!
The whole ordeal is such a tease. What could be a really fun opportunity is brushed aside for a project Peterson is clearly using as Oscar bait. It just pisses me off because now the odds of Bats vs. Supe movie getting shelved entirely have just tripled in my eyes.
That aside, I wanted to take a second to divert your attention to a less-controversial, but more entertaining Troy — Troy’s Bucket!
For those of you who read PvP regularly, you might have already found their link in Scott’s last newspost. I wanted to do the same because, like myself, the Troy’s Bucket crew are denizens of West Des Moines, Iowa. I wrote Beaner to say “Hi” and he’s ultra-suade. Go visit the site. The strip is funny as hell and the backgrounds are some of the most beautifully rendered and detailed in all web-comicdom.
Beaner and I are talking cross-over somewhere down the line, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, quick shout out to Carrington Vanston of Movie Punks for guessing Monday’s trivia question correctly. The movie I was referencing in the strip was the 80’s comedy Real Genius. I guess when all else fails, default to the guy who also runs a movie-themed web comic! 🙂
Hey! When you’re done visiting the sites I’ve been plugging, but sure to come back here and dive into the forums! We need some good people to get things going in there!
I’m having too much trouble with Microsoft Outlook to continue messing around with it anymore. From now on, instead of sending e-mails to tom@theaterhopper.com, please forward all correspondence to theaterhopper@hotmail.com. All of the other mailto: links on the site should reflect this change.
I know trading in one Microsoft product for another really isn’t an improvement, but I’ve been using hotmail since, like 1996. It’s what I’m used to and it’s too late to change.
Also, for those of your having trouble with the forums, I tweaked the permissions and hopefully it will clear up and roadblocks you were running into.
Last thing I’ll mention, I’m looking for a good FREE news service that I can post to the front page. I was thinking something like Moreover, but apparently, they don’t give out their scripting for free anymore. If you have any suggestions, e-mail me.
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